Do you make a point of brushing your teeth twice a day and flossing at least once every day? If yes, then you’re doing an excellent job by following the recommended dental hygiene guidelines. Unfortunately, brushing and flossing at home is insufficient as far as keeping cavities and gum disease away. For ultimate protection and continued oral health, it’s best to book regular dental exams and cleanings.
Dental exams and cleanings are a crucial component of preventive dentistry. If you’re an adult in good health, you should schedule twice-yearly dental exams and cleanings with our dentist. If your dental health is compromised, our dentist may ask to see you more frequently.
Children, too, benefit from regular dental exams and cleanings, so don’t leave your young ones behind when you’re coming in for your hygiene appointment.
Our dentist in South Hadley begins with a thorough consultation and evaluation to determine the state of your dental health. The dentist checks for signs that are indicative of underlying dental issues. In particular, our dentist looks out for signs of cavities, gum inflammation, bite problems, and oral cancer. If you have dental restorations such as fillings, implants or dental crowns, our dentist near you will also want to know if these are in good shape. Bring your mouthguard with you, too, so the dentist can examine it for wear and tear.
The second phase of your appointment involves removing all signs of plaque and tartar from your teeth. Plaque and tartar are deposits formed as by-products of bacterial activity in the mouth. When allowed to accumulate in the oral cavity, plaque and tartar cause cavities and gum disease.
If you’re showing signs of cavities or other dental problems, our dentist will recommend the appropriate treatments.
Deep cleaning, or scaling and root planing, is a treatment procedure that is reserved for periodontal disease. Deep cleaning is more intensive and thorough compared to regular teeth cleaning and involves the elimination of plaque and tartar deposits from above and below the gum line. The procedure also includes smoothing of the tooth roots to ensure easy re-attachment of the gums as well as prevent adherence of bacteria and plaque.
You can avoid the need for scaling and root planing by prioritizing regular dental exams and cleanings. This way, our dentist can keep a watchful eye over your dental health and help you avoid dental caries and gum disease.
Contact South Hadley Dental Group today if you’re looking for a dental office that provides dental exams and cleanings near you.
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