Having a complete set of teeth is crucial in maintaining good oral hygiene and health. It keeps our facial muscles strong, maintains our bite function, and preserves our beautiful smile.
Even with so many benefits, sometimes, a tooth with issues can do more harm than good. On such an occasion, tooth extraction may be recommended.
When considering tooth extraction, it’s wise to understand a few things about the procedure to make the extraction process smooth and easy. This article highlights important details you should know about teeth extractions.
A dental extraction is a dental procedure where they remove or extract a tooth from its socket or dental alveolus. Depending on the complexity of the procedure, tooth extraction can either be performed by a general dentist or oral surgeon.
There are two major types of dental extraction procedures – simple extraction and surgical extraction. The procedure used will depend on whether the tooth is impacted or visible.
For both methods, local anesthesia is used to make the procedure comfortable and painless. If the tooth is visible and can be accessed using forceps, the extraction is called a simple extraction.
On the other hand, if the tooth is impacted or broken below the gum line, the dentist has to cut through the gums to get access to the tooth. The tooth can also be broken down into small pieces for easy removal. This procedure is called a surgical extraction, and it’s common in wisdom tooth extractions.
When wisdom teeth or third molars don’t have enough room to grow normally, they become impacted. Such a tooth can cause extreme pain, damage to the adjacent teeth, and bleeding, swollen, or tender gums.
When tartar and bacteria build up in the mouth, they eat up the tooth’s enamel, making the tooth susceptible to cavities. If the tooth’s center or pulp is infected, it can cause extreme pain, sensitivity, and swelling.
If the tooth doesn’t respond to root canal therapy, it may be necessary to extract the tooth to prevent further discomfort and damage to the nearby structures.
Like tooth decay, gum disease is caused by tartar and bacteria buildup in the mouth. They cause inflammation of the gums and could even weaken the alveolar bone.
Gums tend to pull out of teeth, loosening the firm grip on the teeth. An extraction may be necessary to remove the affected teeth and stop the infection from spreading.
Contact sports and car accidents are the major contributing factors to dental trauma. While the dentist will always strive to preserve the natural teeth, extraction may be necessary if there’s significant damage.
Overcrowding is another common problem when there isn’t enough space for teeth to grow normally. This causes teeth to grow crookedly, causing discomfort and affecting your smile.
The dentist may recommend the extraction of a tooth or two to give room for other teeth to grow properly or pave the way for orthodontist treatments such as braces and Invisalign.
Preparing for tooth extraction is pretty straightforward. Before the procedure, the dentist will spend a few minutes discussing your oral and overall health.
Ensure your dentist knows about any existing conditions you may have. These can include diabetes, heart disease, hypertension, artificial joint, thyroid disease, renal disease, and impaired immune system.
On the day of the procedure:
After tooth extraction, proper dental care and hygiene are critical to ensure a faster and smooth recovery.
These include:
Are you looking for tooth extraction services, or would you like to learn more about tooth extraction? Contact South Hadley Dental Group today for more information.
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